Broadcast live, Friday April 20, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio then archived Saturday HERE
First hour: Bro. Abdul Arif Muhammad, general counsel for the Nation of Islam, discusses “STARBUCKS BOYCOTT SPREADS AFTER ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE INVOLVEMENT.” That article begins: “Starbucks seemed to be making all the right moves in response to the recent racial controversy in which the bigotry of its Philadelphia store manager insti
gated the arrest of two Black male customers waiting to meet a business colleague.” But then Starbucks put the Anti-Defamation League — the notoriously racist witch-hunting Israel lobby group —in charge of a national “racial bias training session” for all Starbucks employees!
For background on the ADL’s 75-year war on the Nation of Islam, see: JEWS TARGETED BLACK SELF-HELP LONG BEFORE FARRAKHAN.
Second hour: Karin Brothers discusses her new article “The Skripals Have Survived but They Are Not Safe: The Novichok Fraud Should Bring Down the UK Government.” Her conclusion:
“Theresa May and her government cannot survive an uncovering of their Novichok fraud. A UK election in response to the truth will not only bring down the government, it should give Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party a healthy majority. Given Corbyn’s anti-establishment positions on many issues — including the Mideast — and his skepticism about this fraud, the British deep state will find that possibility unacceptable. A couple of Russian lives do not matter in this scenario.
“The Skripals are in grave danger. They were supposed to die before the UK was forced to present the evidence that would expose the anti-Russian fraud. With no family in Britain beside Sergei and Yulia Skripal, and the Russian embassy barred from meeting with them, there is no one who can stand up to protect the lives of the Skripals.
“It is clear that while the Skripals could make a fortune going to the media, the British government will never allow them to tell their story. According to the Sunday Times, there are plans to send the Skripals to the US where they “will be offered new identities and a new life.”
“Really? If the Russian poisoning story were true, the Skripals should be happy to return to their respective homes and make money from their stories.
“In fact, their faces have been so publicized that they would be recognized anywhere in the world. And why would they choose to erase their past lives?
“The message behind the “relocation” story is, don’t look for the Skripals again, because you will never find them.
“The British government must not be allowed to erase them.”